Dynamic Dog Assessment


Clair incorporates Dynamic Dog Assessments into all her behaviour work. 

Ever been to the vet to check there if something is wrong with your dog and been told that they are fine? You may even have a niggling gut feeling that something is wrong but have heard things like: “all small dogs walk like that” or “it’s normal for this breed” 

Pain is a hidden epidemic in dogs. Over 80% of dogs presenting with a behaviour problem are likely to have a physical issue underneath. This can be anything from allergies to gut issues to muscle pain to joint issues.

A Dynamic Dog Assessment will pick up issues that your vet won’t see in a 15 minute appointment at the vets, with a stressed dog in a strange environment. 

Working with a sound knowledge of the inner structures and systems of the dog, Clair understands the impact that emotional and physical health has on a dogs’ behaviour. 

Everything is connected which is why Clair insists on a full and detailed assessment when working with you and your dog.

Dynamic Dog Assessments are also available as a stand alone service. 

What is a Dynamic Dog Assessment?

Dynamic Dog is a fully hands off functional assessment of your dog. It can be done remotely so is ideal for dogs who struggle around people and who don’t want to be touched. 

Assessments look at give aspects of your dog:


Confirmation - how your dog is put together as a breed and individual at birth


Posture - how your dog holds their body for comfort


Ambulation - how your dog moves from position to position such as from a sit to a down or a down to standing up


Activities of daily living - how your dog moves when doing life such as jumping on and off things, negotiating stairs and eating and drinking


Gait analysis - how your dog moves in paces of walk, trot and canter

What is the process?

  • Deep Dive - an in-depth consultation via a 90-minute Zoom call, where Clair asks a series of detailed questions about your dog.
  • Data gathering - you'll provide Clair with a series of photos and videos following comprehensive guidelines.
  • Analysis - Clair meticulously analyses all the evidence and creates a detailed report, both written and in video form.
  • Report - full details complete with behaviour treatment recommendations, is sent to both you and your vet. Clair offers full support throughout this process.

Assessments are £175. Interested in a Dynamic Dog Assessment or want to learn more? Please contact us.

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What people say about our behaviour consultations and programmes


"Clair is so knowledgeable in all aspects of dog behaviour I feel like I’ve learnt a great deal from her. I never thought I’d be letting my dog off lead or anywhere near other dogs again after she was attacked but Clair has helped me and Luna build our confidence back up and the changes in Luna have been amazing she is a happier dog now she can run around a field again and not be scared of other dogs.

Clair built my confidence in letting my dog off the lead again. I can now let me dog off her lead and she is less anxious and not attacking other dogs."
German shepherd dog on a wooden bench with paws up

 "All of our confidence has improved since starting the programme. We now have the confidence on how to handle triggers when we encounter them. Juno is a whole world a way from the dog she was when we started the programme, she is much more confident and less stressed in general. Juno's ability to handle triggers when out and about has increased hugely and I am confident that with the techniques we now have this will only continue to improve.

We had spent over a year making almost zero progress with Juno's reactivity, since working with Clair a few months ago we have seen such a positive change in Juno's behaviour and stress levels."