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Why I don’t give “a bit of advice”
Posted on 28th January 2021

I receive many calls and emails a week asking for advice
Prior to the invention of the internet, neighbourhoods were full of advice. Now, we simply “Google it” and we have thousands of answers to our questions.
A lot of the time, these ‘can I get a bit of advice’ questions in order to “nip it in the bud” come my way.
I wanted to provide some reasons why it is irresponsible and impossible for me to answer them:
1. Insurance
Any advice I give to you is not covered by my insurance. Problems with your dog can be for a number of reasons – physical, emotional, environmental and mental. This means that I will need to ask you detailed questions in order to provide any form of answer. Even if I know your dog because I have worked with them in the past, changes in their behaviour can happen rapidly (especially where there a physical cause).
Imagine this – you tell me that your dog has started to get ‘a bit funny‘ around other dogs. I know your dog and have never seen a problem, I tell you to carry on, it would be ok… and then your dog attacks a dog the next day. If that owner attempts to prosecute and you come back to me, we are both in big trouble as there is no insurance cover for either of us. On top of this, it would be totally irresponsible of me to assume and provide answers that I do not know are 100% true.
2. Time and money
You wake up tomorrow morning and don’t feel well. You toddle along to the local pharmacist who asks you a series of questions and gives you a solution.
The pharmacist is at work, and whilst you are given advice, they are in their working hours and being paid for being there. What a great service!
When a question is asked of me, no matter how quick or small, in order for me to email or call you back asap with a quick bit of advice – I am working but I am not getting paid! My time is limited and valuable, I can’t give it away for free, sorry!
3. I’m not a stinge!
If point 2 has pushed your buttons, I just want to reassure you that I do love getting people excited about dog training.
I regularly create new complimentary videos and give free talks and puppy workshops. I am not adverse to doing things for free!
Check out our Facebook page or Youtube Channel to find lots of free articles and videos to help you on your training journey. You’ll find everything from what to do when getting your new puppy to behaviour information and everything in-between. You’ll also see lots of what goes on behind the scenes at Talk to the Paw HQ, we hope you have a giggle.
Lastly, there is no better solution for you and your dog than for us to work together, we promise! Whatever issue(s) that you are having, we can guarantee that we will have all of the answers. We do all of the hard work, so that you don’t have to.
Puppy training can be provided in a group environment with other dogs and human parents, or on a one to one basis. We can even do this over zoom, from the comfort and warmth of your home – you choose what works for you.
If you need help, advice and lots of answers, please reach out today by filling out our contact form. Please provide us with some brief details and we will schedule in a call where I can give you the best solution to meet your needs, don’t leave it any longer. I look forward to hearing from you.
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